Inventory Locations

Inventory Locations

Locations are basically your Warehouse, if you have more than 1 Factory where Inventory is stored, then there would be several Locations.

Eg. :     Smith St Warehouse [Location]

              Brown St Warehouse [Location]

              Jones St Warehouse [Location]

Along with Locations, there are also placement locations, these are:

For example you could have your stock stored in:

Smith St Warehouse [Location]  >  Stock [Zone]  >  Aisle A [Aisle]  > Bay 3 [Bay]  >  Level 1 [Level]  >  LHS [position]

You could also simply locate your stock at the top tier of Smith St Warehouse [Location].


Add a Location.

Go to Inventory > Locations or

Click the Orange plus button, select ‘Items are stored here’ then select ‘Add Location Definition’, see below:


Change the Location name.

Click on the edit button to the RHS of the Location definition, type the new name then click ‘Add Location Definition’, see below:

Add a Zone, Aisle, Bay, Level or Position to the Location.
Click on the edit button to the RHS of the Location definition, select the ‘locations are positioned here’ option, enter the name, from the drop down choose 1 of the position types then click the ‘Add Location Definition’, see below:




Transfer an item to the Location.

Stock: Go to Inventory > Items, find the stock:


From the drop down choose ‘Location Transfer’, see below:

From the drop down choose the appropriate Location and then click ‘Transfer’, see below:


All other items [Paper, Plate, Raw Material, Ink, Manufactured, Miscellaneous] : Go to Inventory > Items, find the Item, see below:




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