How To - Manage Retail Price List

How To - Manage Retail Price List

NOTE: The RETAIL pricelist can be used to add profit to the job.  There can be several retail markups, applied to different customers or customer groups (i.e. Trade, Brokers, Government, Commercial, Retail etc.). Pricing tiers can also be applied to retail markups to control pricing based on a customer’s spend or size of print job (i.e. job quantity or square foot of a job).

Retail Pricelists are managed under the  ➥ ADMIN ➥ PRICING ADMIN menu.  

Choose the  Maintain Price Lists  option under Price Lists

The  RETAIL  Price List adds the profit markup:

Make sure you have the MASTER FACTORY selected. 

NOTE: you can create different price lists but if you want them applied to the Quote templates, they must reside in the Master Factory site. 

Clicking on the  RETAIL PRICE   LIST  will open the details:

1.  You can NAME your price list.

2. You want to apply this to ALL PRODUCTS usually.

3. You must set START and END DATES

4.  Set the pricing mode to DEFAULT

5.  Click the EDIT PRICING BUTTON to expand the options to include the Pricing Method and Factor.

6.  Choose PERCENT MARKUP if you want to apply a markup
     and enter the 

7.   Click the UPDATE PRICE LIST button.


  1. If you want your Retail Pricelist to be based on tiers, you need to change the way the pricelist calculates or create a second pricelist that uses tiers.

  1. In our example we create a second Price list called PRICING TIERS

  1. This time we are changing the PRICING METHOD to Pricing Tier Markup

  2. You will be able to attach pricing tiers to this and have them calculate correctly.

Connecting your RETAIL PRICELISTS to your Customers

A Retail Price List must be applied to your customer for it to be effective. 

Go to the ➥ CUSTOMERS ➥ VIEW CUSTOMERS menu.  

  1. Click on a customer

  2. Scroll down to the Price Lists:

  3. Click the + button

  1. Choose your new price list and click add – it will now appear in your customer price list.

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