Generate anonymous authentication guid for proof API endpoint

Generate anonymous authentication guid for proof API endpoint



This endpoint generates an anonymous authentication GUID for proof. Along with the Login Token obtained from the GetLoginToken endpoint, a valid Contact ID (ccID) and a list of Proof Keys (PPKeys) must be provided in the payload.

Request Payload

"PPKeys": [ 0 ], "ccID": 0 }


  • LoginToken (string): The token obtained from the GetLoginToken endpoint.
  • PPKeys (array of integers): A list of proof keys. At least one proof key must be provided.
  • ccID (integer): A valid contact ID associated with the job's customer.


Error Response

If the provided payload is invalid, a response with an error message will be returned. Below is an example:

{ "AAGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ProofDetailsUrl": null, "ProofDetails": null, "ErrorMessage": "The 'ccID' field is required and must be a valid contact associated with the job's customer", "IsError": true, "WarningMessage": null, "IsWarning": false }

Possible error scenarios include:

  • Omission of ccID or PPKeys
  • Invalid ccID (e.g., a contact not associated with the job the proof is on)
  • PPKeys from different acceptances
  • Invalid or modified GUID

Success Response

If the request is valid, a successful response will look like this:

{ "AAGuid": "8153284d-385a-43c5-b1d2-a31f57dfb48b", "ProofDetailsUrl": "", "ProofDetails": [ { "PPGuid": "efb4c031-4c0d-41b3-8dd1-d166574a3ac7", "ProofDetailsUrl": "" } ], "ErrorMessage": null, "IsError": false, "WarningMessage": null, "IsWarning": false }


  1. Validation: The system validates the provided ccID and PPKeys.
  2. Error Handling: If validation fails, an appropriate error message is returned.
  3. GUID Generation: If validation succeeds, a GUID is generated and returned.
  4. Proof Detail URL: The proof detail URL can then be collected and sent to the client.

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