General Ledger Accounts

General Ledger Accounts



General Ledger Account codes are created and managed in Accounts > General Ledger Accounts.


Select show filters and you can view filtered by ‘Revenue, Expense, Asset and Liability’ types:

And by ‘Active and Not Active’:

You can create new GL codes:


Open an existing GL code:

And ‘de-activate’ a code:


Bulk update GL Accounts in Accounts> Upload GL Accounts 

GL Codes on Inventory Items

IQ has the ability to load and Expense General Ledger accounts against Inventory items.

When the item is put onto a Purchase Order, the GL code is brought thru from the Inventory record.

To add a GL code to an inventory item, locate the item in Inventory and open it.

Select the appropriate GL Account from the drop-down list…

And Save Changes.

When this item is brought through onto a Purchase Order, the GL Account is also brought through.

This is then passed to the accounts package when the Supplier Invoice is entered against the order and exported.
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