FREIGHT - Renaming delivery methods and freight couriers

FREIGHT - Renaming delivery methods and freight couriers


If you want to rename the delivery methods for your freight options and rename the freight couriers follow the steps below.


Step 1. When you proceed from the quote screen to the freight screen you are able to choose what delivery method you are wanting to use.
(See screen snap below)



Say for example you choose the option of “IQ Delivery”. (See screen snap below)



But you want to rename the delivery method to say “Digital Delivery” instead of “IQ Delivery”.


Step 2. You need to go into the manage freight screen. (See screen snap below)



Click on the “Manage Delivery Types” button.



Find the option the delivery method that you want to rename. (In this case IQ Delivery) Then rename to what you want to change it to (In this case Digital Delivery) and click save. (See screen snaps below)



Step 3. Refresh the screen or re-open your quote and you will be able to see that your delivery method has been renamed to “Digital Delivery”.



Step 4. When you have accepted the quote and turned it into a job, you are able to see the dispatch details on the job details screen. (See screen snap below)



You are able to see that your delivery method is “Digital Delivery” and the Courier is “IQ Freight”. (See screen snap)



Step 5. If you want to rename the courier for example from “IQ Freight” to ‘Digital Freight”. You will have to go into the “view customers” screen. (See screen snap below)



In the view customers screen click on the filter of “Freight Company” that way you will be able to see all of your freight companies. Find the freight company that you want rename and click on the eye glass. (See screen snap below)



Change the name to what you want to in this example changing it to “Digital Freight” then click update Freight Company. (See screen snap below)



Step 6. Refresh the screen or re-open your job and you will be able to see that your courier has been renamed to “Digital Freight”.



You are able to rename any delivery method for your freight options and rename any freight courier.



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