Freight Price Overrides

Freight Price Overrides

Extensive Freight Price Override rules can be created under the ‘Overrides’ tab in the Manage Freight admin screen:



There are basically three kinds of Freight Price Override rules: –

  • Order Related (being Customers / Customer Groups)

  • Item Related (with links to Sales Items and / or Pricelists)


  • Global overrides (applied to all orders)




There are three override targets to set the override to work against:



Order Freight Price:

This is applied to the total freight price for an order. 
Order related overrides are applied to the overall freight price for the whole order. All items on the current delivery being priced are used. For quantity it will sum up all quantity over all products, for price it will sum up the price excluding tax for all products.


Delivery Price:   

The override price applied to a delivery. The price returned is exclusive of tax.


Item Freight Price:     

This override targets specific items.

Item related overrides apply the override rules to calculate each line’s freight price based on the quantity of the item on that delivery. The price returned is exclusive of tax.


The Override Amount field is the freight charge to apply when this rule is invoked.

The override can be set as either a Global (applies to all jobs and orders that qualify) or be specifically applied to Customers, Customer Groups, Price Lists and Store Items.

The Overrides can also be set for Single shipping, meaning the override is not considered if the delivery details are entered thru the ‘Multiple’ deliveries tab (even if it only has one delivery entered)





The rules depict under which circumstances that the override will be applied. 

The rules can be Quantity and / or Price based.



The quantity options for both ‘Quantity’ and ‘Price’ are:
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to







Mappings allow you to specify which Customer, Pricelist and / or Sales Item(s) to target:


**When the Global setting is selected above, these mapping fields are disabled (any content pre-selected in them IS retained in case you wish to reverse this setting, but is ignored by IQ)






How override rules apply:

If the override is related to an item on the quote (sales order and price list overrides) that item is used as the context for quantity and price. The price field used is the price excluding tax.

If the override is not related to an item on the quote (customer, customer group or global overrides) all items on the current delivery being priced are used. For quantity it will sum up all quantity over all products, for price it will sum up the price excluding tax for all products.


Order overrides are applied:

First apply Item overrides:

if there is a customer item override -> use the Lowest

else if there is a customer group item override -> use the lowest

else if product or item has any item rules -> use the highest

else if global item rules -> use the highest

else calculate normally


Then apply Delivery overrides:

if there is a customer delivery override -> use the lowest

else if there is a customer group delivery override -> use the lowest

else if product or item has any delivery rules -> use the highest

else if global delivery rules -> use the highest

else calculate normally


After prices have been calculated for each delivery, we calculate any Order overrides

if there is a customer order override -> use the lowest

else if there is a customer group order override -> use the lowest

else if product or item has any order rules -> use the highest

else if global order rules -> use the highest

else calculate normally




Edit – Existing overrides can be edited via the pencil icon:


View – An overrides setup can be quickly viewed via the ‘triangle’ icon. You can also use the ‘X’ to delete a mapping:

CSV - uses and limitations:



The Export Mappings CSV function will export ALL non-global freight override mappings to a CSV file. 
Global freight price overrides have no mappings and are not exported. 
Only ‘Active’ mappings will export to the bulk csv. 
‘Inactive’ mappings can only be exported one at a time from the individual export button on the right of the rule.

Each line on the export will have an entry in either Customer Code, Customer Group Code, Price List Name or Sales Item Code.

**There is no ‘Quantity’ or ‘Order Price’ details included in the CSV and consequently these must be manually managed within the application.




When importing a CSV you are presented with 2 options:



Insert and Update - will add to existing Overrides.

Delete and Replace - will delete and replace the overrides that are included on the CSV – it does not delete all mappings.



In Quoting the freight pricing figures can appear contradictory, however the Freight Calculation Explanation pop-out should make it clear.


In this example I have a range of delivery options at various prices:



Yet with Driver selected (at $35) the total shows me $15 for shipping:



Looking at the freight price calculation explanation we can see why:



Here we can see how printIQ made up its calculation:



A $35 base rate was applied from the Freight setup for ‘Driver’, however at the end we can see there is an ‘Order Override’ which is applied over the top of the calculated freight.


Note: The freight price in the Totals area on a quote can still be manually updated.


Example Configurations


To set a fixed freight charge of $15 per order (all products) irrespective of quantity ordered, set up a freight override as:



This simple rule will apply a single $15 freight charge to all quotes.

This includes quotes with multiple deliveries – one $15 charge is applied.


To apply a $15 charge per delivery, configure as above except set the ‘Override Target’ to ‘Delivery Price’. This applies the Override amount to each delivery.


To apply the same rule as above to specific Customers, remove the ‘Global Override’ tick and add the Customers or Customer Groups to the Mappings field:




Further refinements can be made based on the order quantity or price.



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