To adjust the freight rates, go into ‘Manage Rates’ under ‘Admin, Freight’.
When you are updating freight rules, follow the steps as shown:
Step 1:
"Export" current freight rules to CSV
Step 2:
Modify freight in exported CSV
Step 3:
Download "Template" Excel sheet:
to produce a 'csv' upload file:
Step 4:
Paste CSV contents (except headings) into it:
Step 5:
Click the "XML" column in the Excel sheet:
Copy/drag the "XML" column down in the Excel sheet:
Step 6:
Click the 'Upload' button:
Copy and paste the 'XML' column and paste into text box below and click "Save & Close"
Note the warning - in red...
It means what it says - it replaces ALL the freight rules so make sure you have not removed any rules from the upload that you still require.