Freight - 3rd Party Shipping

Freight - 3rd Party Shipping


3rd party shipping allows printIQ to use ‘Customers Supplied Credentials’ for shipping rates and services.
Essentially the shipping is being booked on and invoiced directly to the customer from the freight provider.
When a 3rd party shipping option is selected, the shipping pricing in printIQ will be displayed as $0.00.

To configure shipping integration in printIQ,
you must first have an account with and have set up integration to that same freight provider that your customer uses.
Once a system Shipping Integration has been configured.
It will be available to be set up with 3rd party shipping against the ‘Customers Details’.

At the time of this document written, we currently offer 3rd party integrations to FedEx and UPS

How to set up

Under Freight – Integration

Setup Shipping Integration for FedEx:

Setup Shipping Integration for UPS:

The above integration setup needs to be your account details for your company’s account with the supplier

On the Customer Details, under the SHIPPING Integration section, all active Freight Integrations will be listed.

None, one, or more of these integrations can be configured to use the customers own credentials.
When selected the quote will price the shipping based on the customers own rates with the freight provider.

These rates will not show on the quote in printIQ.

The credentials required for the Customers 3rd party shipping integration differs from the systems’ shipping integration,
insofar as we do not require the customers API credentials,
but simply require their ‘Account Number’ and the ‘Billing Address’ for that account with the shipping company,
to validate the connection from printIQ.

Enable 3rd Party Shipping Integration

To enable Shipping Integration for a customer, simply set the switch to ‘On’ which will expose the required configuration fields.
  1. Select 3rd Party Account as the ‘Type’ 
  2. Enter the customer’s account number (supplied by the customer)
  3. Select / Enter their Shipping Accounts Billing Address (supplied by the customer). This must match the billing address held by the shipping company for them to validate the rating call.
Below is an example of a customer with one 3rd party shipping integration set up

And a customer with two 3rd party shipping integrations configured

3rd Party Shipping in Quotes

When quoting for a customer with 3rd Party Shipping enabled, on the checkout screen you will see an option to use the ‘Customer’s Account’ or ‘Our Account’:

After creating a job from the quote, the product is dispatched by creating the consignment in the same way as any other delivery.
The details from the quote are reflected here showing $0.00 charge and the Delivery Type being UPS from the Customer’s account:

After clicking ‘Create Consignment’, you have the option to change it from your customers shipping account to your own Shipping Account.
This only updates this delivery on the job. 
The option allows you to switch the account to be charged for this delivery, it does not allow you to select a different carrier.
For that you would need to edit and update the delivery details.

Any other deliveries on the job are left unchanged.

After creating the delivery, the shippers dispatch note can be downloaded and printed:

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