EDIT JOB - How to edit a job

EDIT JOB - How to edit a job

IQ has extensive functions to edit a job currently in production.

You can access the edit screens from the 'Job Details' screen:



There are 4 edit options:
  1. Change Path
  2. Edit From Quote
  3. Change Quantity
  4. Add Operation




This allows you to select a different print path to the one quoted. Click the sections 'Print' option bar:


You can select any other path that was part of the original quotes calculations.

In this example we want to change the job from printing on a 2040 width sheet to a 3200 width sheet
You can see the price difference in the pricing on the right:


Once you select the new path, click 'Update':

A new screen will dropdown. This screen shows you the original details on the left and the updated details on the right.
The text in the center gives a description of what will take place once you 'Confirm'.
Again you can see where any pricing differences are. These charges are for viewing only and are not added to the invoice.


The jobs details will be updated as shown in the job bag example:

Editing Jobs --> Change Path will not add Misc Charges.
If you want to charge any additional costs, please add 'Miscellaneous Charge'.


This allows you to 'version' the quote and gives you the ability to adjust as required.
You will see the quote number and details of the current quote.
Click 'Create New Version':


A dropdown will show asking if you want to create the versioned quote using the 'Old Price' or to calculate a 'New Price' based on the current IQ setup.
Generally you would use 'New Price' as you will be editing the current quote and recalculating a price anyway.
Click 'Version Quote':


A new quote will open with the same quote number but it will now have a suffix such as 'v2'.


Make the required changes and 'Update' the quote:



Scroll to the bottom of the quote and 'Proceed' to Quote Acceptance.


Accept the Quote.
You will then be taken back to the 'Edit Job' screen where you will now see the 'v2' option in the list.

Click the 'circle' checkbox' to select the new version:



A new screen will dropdown. This screen shows you the original details on the left and the updated details on the right.
The text in the center gives a description of what will take place once you 'Confirm'.
Again you can see where any pricing differences are. As this is an edit to the job, the price difference shown will be added to the job as a 'Miscellaneous Charge'.
You can pass this charge on to the customer as a separate line on the invoice or you can go into the miscellaneous charge screen and 'void' the charge so it is not passed on.



'Confirm' the change and the 'Edit Job' screen will update showing the job now linked to the v2 quote.



This allows you to easily change the quantity and kinds on a job:



Once you change the quantity and 'Save':


You will see the dropdown showing you the changes and cost difference that will be added to the invoice:



'Confirm' and the job quantity will be updated:




This allows you to add additional operation to the job:



Select the operation you require:


And 'Add Operation':


Any additional charges will be shown:


'Save' and the new operation will be added to the job as example shown here on the job bag:



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