Duplexing vs. Perfecting

Duplexing vs. Perfecting

The duplex function in IQ is specifically for digital presses that print both sides simultaneously.

In North America, all photocopiers that print both sides are referred to as duplexing copiers. They do duplex, but they don't print both sides at the same time, the sheet of paper is printed on one side, and then the sheet is turned, put back through the press and the reverse side is printed. Duplexing in IQ refers to printing both sides simultaneously, think of it as Perfecting for Digital presses that do not have plates. 

Setting Up A Duplex Press

To set up a DUPLEX PRESS, you need to check the button in three places:
1) In the Press Options where the press is created
Check the DUPLEX box when creating a press
2) In the Component Record under Production Options (blue side)
Check the Price as Duplex option in the component record
This will add it to the component record:
Press Component Record with Duplexing
If you are limiting the press to black over black, or CYMK over CYMK, you would use the "SECOND PROCESS", not the "PREVIOUS SIDE PROCESS" you would use for perfecting presses. 
When creating the processes for a duplex press, you must NOT create a PREVIOUS SIDE PROCESS (like you would for a perfector or a work and turn) as the system will automatically use the processes chosen in the quote and price them accordingly.
3) The  Speed setting. When linking the speed set to the press,  under the options, check the " duplex" box:

Setting Up A Perfecting Press

A traditional perfecting press (either a sheetfed perfector or a cold or heat-set web press with plates) is NOT SETUP to DUPLEX. Perfecting is triggered in the Process Mapping Area:

Admin -> Configure Factory -> [Equipment] Processes

Ink Mapping for Second Side
The first side plates are marked in blue, and there is ONE pass through the press for this.

The second side is a duplicate of the first side (which is listed in red beside it) and has plates for each of the processes, but no pass (as it is printed with the front side pass through the press).  Don't forget you could have CYMK on one side and black on the back - so you would create all the combinations that you could run front to back, unlike the Work and Turn or Work and Tumble options which are mere duplicates of the front side as you are running the same colour both sides and turning it. 

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