Dispatch and Confirmation Email Customer Settings

Dispatch and Confirmation Email Customer Settings

The Dispatch and Order Confirmation Email settings control who receives the Quote Acceptance and Dispatch emails at a customer level. These can be adjusted from the default via the Customer Details screen.

The customer needs to have been created and saved first. 

Open the Customer Details screen, you may need to use the “Show More” slider at the top to see the Settings sectionEither scroll down or choose Settings from the menu on the right.


Within the Settings section are several different headers, look for the Quoting header and the Dispatch header. Use the dropdown to select an Email recipient for Quote Emails and for Dispatch Emails.

The options for the dropdowns can be:

  • Never Send – the email is not sent
  • Send to Quote Contact – sends to the contact selected on the Quote
  • Send to Delivery/Dispatch Contact – sends to the selected Delivery Contact on the job, this will then change per job based on the job details
  • Send to Customer’s Email – sends to the email address loaded into the top of the Customer’s Detail

  • Send to Default Contact – Sends to the contact marked as the default contact for the selected customer


These settings do not force the emails to be sent, and still require the check boxes to be ticked to trigger sending an email.

Checkbox on the Quote for the Quote Acceptance
Checkbox on the Dispatch

Note: The tool tip in Dispatch DOES show the correct address of email recipient, whether it is the Dispatch contact or was overridden with the Customer Dispatch Email setting.

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