Adding Dies to the Die Library and Using them in Estimating

Die cutting - creating a die library, or manually entering.

1. Manually Inputting Die Information into a Quote

If you do not have a die on file, you may need to manually enter the die information for the block in the quote.

You do this by clicking the production method wrench/spanner for the section
* Turn on Imposition Block
* Turn off auto-size
You manually enter information:
NUp*                             represents the number of finished pieces on the block
Width(in/mm)*              is the width of the block
Depth(in/mm)*             is the depth of the block
No Across                    is the number of finished products across the block (i.e. cylinder)
No Around                   is the number of finished products around the block (i.e. cylinder)
Gap Across(in/mm)*   is gap between finished pieces across the block (i.e. cylinder) - over and above the bleed
Gap Around(in/mm)*  is gap between finished pieces around the block (i.e. cylinder) - over and above the bleed
* GOTCHAS... there are a couple of things to think about if your blocks are not fitting the way you think they should
1) Grips:  check your grips haven't forced the block not to fit. You can use the grip override
2) Bleed: remember your "gap between/around" is over and above bleed. If you are can have the bleed run into the gap, you don't necessarily need the gap on top of it.

This will create an imposition block and constrain the press accordingly:

Once the die is purchased you can enter it into your die library using the method described above.


a. Pieces of the Die Cutting Operation:

Die-cutting may require several SECTION (other section finishing) operations:

1) An Outsource Die Operation (to purchase dies and enter the die amount)
      • This component will have the outsource button checked in the operation:

2) A Die Cutting Operation (to drive the pricing and the machine time) 
      • This will have TIMING enabled so you can time against it
      • It will have a component record which references your machine, labour rate, and machine rate
      • it will also require a speed which will be sheets per hour
      * You may need several of these if you want multiple die cuts on the same section

3) A Die Library (set up by your build lead) 
      • It is here you will set up your dies as "imposition rules".

b. Steps to Set Up Dies in the Die Library

Click on the magnifier drop-down of the DIE LIBRARY OPERATION:

You can build dies individually, but it is easier to follow the CSV from the examples already in the system. Click on the EXPORT button:

Here is a sample diagram linking the terminology with a die:

From here a CSV spreadsheet can be downloaded.
• Open this spreadsheet (we will follow it one stage at a time, only highlighting the main ones)

Column A: is the Component Key - you will see a number here for existing dies in your system. You leave this area blank for any new dies.
Column Bis the Component Type Key - this should be 26... any new records you make must have a 26 in this cell.
Column C (Finishing): is the name of your operation - do not change this.
Column G  (Replaces Guillo) : i f it is marked TRUE it will replace the Guillotine 
Column H  (Simple Guillo) :  if it is marked TRUE it will allow Guillotine operations to cut your press sheet down to the block sizes that will be used on the die cutter. 
Column J  (Reference) :  is the name you want to call this die
Column K  (Group : is the group name where you can group dies together (ie. pocket folder dies etc). 

Column M  ( Imposition Block   NUp) : is the total number of pieces that will be in your block (in this example of business cards we have 3 across x 8 around (down) = 24
Column N  (Imposition Block Width In) : is the sum of the printed items making up the block width including all gaps... (bleed is typically included in the gap).
                   in our business card example: 3.5 x 3 plus 1/8 inch bleed/gap on all edges = 11.25 inches
Column 0  (Imposition Block Depth In) : is the sum of the printed items making up the block depth including all gaps... (bleed is typically included in the gap). 
                   in our business card example: 2 x 8 plus 1/8 inch bleed/gap on all edges = 18 inches
Column P  (Ignore Press Grips) :  if TRUE will ignore the press grips on the press
Column Q ( Imposition No Around) :  Imposition around the die cutter cylinder (depth) will be the total number down (in our business card example 8 down)
Column R  ( Imposition No Across) :  Imposition across the die cutter cylinder (width) will be the total number across (in our business card example 3 across)
Column S  ( Imposition Gap Around) :  Gap Around is the gap between pieces around the cylinder (or the depth)
Column T  ( Imposition Gap Across) :  Gap Across is the gap between pieces down the length of the cylinder (or the width)

Column AB  ( Ignore Bleed) :  if TRUE will ignore the bleed when applying the die to the estimate (usually you want this to be TRUE)
Column AC  ( Min Item Flat Size Width in) :  is the minimum width of the item (in our example 3.5)
Column AD  ( Max Item Flat Size Width in) :  is the maximum width of the item (in our example 3.5)
Column AE  ( Min Item Flat Size Depth in) :  is the minimum depth of the item (in our example 2)
Column AF    ( Max Item Flat Size Width in) :  is the maximum depth of the item (in our example 2)
Column AG  ( Description) :  is the description you can apply (AH is #2)

Column AL (Die Number): is a reference that you can use as a filter - some use it for a DIE NUMBER
Column AF  (Image 1) :  allows you to put a link to an image that will show up in the die library when you are looking for them (including the .png or .jpg) 
Use the URL name fro the UPLOADS screen (from the Admin-Uploads - go to the image - click it to get the URL). If the image doesn't display, try using only the file name and not all the URL info.
Column AG  (Image 2) :  allows you to enter a second image. 

Once you have finished entering the information - save the CSV file and Upload back into the IMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS:

c. Using the Die Library in a Quote

Now you can create your quote entering the FINISHED SIZE:
• once you have this chosen - add the DIE LIBRARY operation - and click the FIND DIE button

This will open the DIE LIBRARY WINDOW where you can hit SEARCH 

This will pull up the DIEs available for this size:

You pick the one you want and hit select. 
This will fill out the DIE area:

Then you can update the quote - and it will apply the diagram to the press section:

This constrains the press layout and directs the printing function.

Following this, you will need to add your die-cutting operation to account for TIME and COSTS. 

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