DELIVERIES - How to handle multiple deliveries

DELIVERIES - How to handle multiple deliveries

When doing split deliveries on the new Job details screen you need to first click on ‘Dispatch’ followed by the green ‘Modify Freight Details’ box with the freight price on it.

There are a couple of things to keep note of when doing multiple deliveries 
  • If you have a single delivery and you enter this under the ‘Multiple Dispatch’ tab the system handles this as only being a single dispatch and not a multi.
    The delivery information is then transferred back to being a normal non-multiple delivery job.

  • If you have all your multiple delivery details upfront then you can add the splits in straight away. 
    If you do not and they are getting drip fed to you then you will need to follow the below process.

Once you have clicked on the green box you will get the freight model pop up where you can add your multiple deliveries.


The multiple deliveries options in printIQ require the total quantity of the job to be allocated.

So if you are doing a delivery today and you do not have details for the remainder of the order you will need to
add a dispatch line for the remainder that is being held until further information is supplied.

This will then show as two different dispatch lines on your details screen.

If days have past or you get the next delivery information the next day, you will need to
click on the ‘Modify Freight details’ button and remove the record for the ‘Hold in stock’.


Then you will need to add the next delivery information you have.

Once again you will need to add a ‘Hold in Stock’ option for the remainder.

Once you have closed you will see that there are 3 delivery lines of information. 
You can see that the first line has been set to partial dispatched, the second line is for the new dispatch info
and the third line is for the remainder still to be allocated.  You will need to continue this process
until you have finished your mailout and you have dispatched the complete quantity ordered depending on how many deliveries you need to create.



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