Deliveries - Upload Shipping/Dispatch Information on Quote and Job Details

Deliveries - Upload Shipping/Dispatch Information on Quote and Job Details


Often job can require multiple deliveries. These can be added manually but they can also be done in bulk, via a csv upload.
The upload can be completed at both quote and job level.


On the quotes ‘Order Details’ page, the ‘Freight’ or ‘Shipping’ section contains an ‘Export/Import’ button:

Click this button to open the import modal:

To export a base CSV, click the ‘Export’ option:

The downloaded CSV will contain the default delivery address and details for the customer:
You can add one address before exporting to make it easier to see what fields are required to be filled out.

This can now be edited to suit and imported:

‘Carton Name’, ‘Number of Boxes’ and ‘Items per Box’ columns, allow users to specify how to pack a delivery via the CSV. ‘Delivery Instructions’ can also be added to each delivery line.

Back in the quote modal, ‘Choose file’ to import:
When quoting with 'kinds' that need to be shipped/dispatched to multiple addresses, use the 'Delivery notes' to specify what kind and quantity are to be shipped/dispatched to the specific address.

Select your csv file and click ’Verify’:

The file will be checked for any input errors. If no errors are found, you will see a confirmation message to the right. You have the option to:
  1. Clear all deliveries – this will remove all previously entered deliveries and replace with the deliveries contained in the CSV
  1. Keep existing deliveries - this will retain all previously entered deliveries and add the deliveries contained in the CSV

On confirmation, you will see a successful import confirmation. Click to view deliveries:

This will then go back to the standard ’Freight’ or ‘Shipping’ view, showing multiple deliveries:

These deliveries can be individually edited if required


The same can also be done at the job level. The job may be accepted with just a single address, as the bulk list may be finalised once the job is in production.
From the jobs ‘Dispatch’ or 'Shipping' tab, click the ‘edit’ option against the address:

The ‘Export/Import’ modal is available here:

At a ‘Job’ level, one additional column is available, ‘Delivery Expected Date’:

This allows you to set the date shown below against each delivery:

CSV Field Details

For help on filling out the import CSV, click on the ‘Help’ option for column requirement details:

Error Handling

The import will not allow configurations that are not possible via the screen. 

If the verification process finds any issues in the spreadsheet data. This will display in red outlining the issue found:

When the total quantity of items in the CSV exceed the job quantity the import will error:

If the number of boxes in the CSV exceeds the required number for the delivery, or there are not enough boxes allocated, one of the below error messages will appear:

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