Define Filters

Define Filters


This is where you create the filters that are shown when quoting under ‘Simplified’.

All this is managed from ‘Define Filters’ under ‘Factory Capabilities’ in the main heading bar.


You will see a list of filter sets 


And at the bottom the option to create a new filter set.



To make a new filter set, enter a name and a description of the filters you are going to add into it.



Click the green ‘tick’ to create the set.


Now click the ‘eyeglass’ at the right to open the set up.

You will see on the right of the screen a list of the available filters. 
You can see the from how you named the set what it relates to and in brackets you can also see if the filter has a 'sub filter' linked that narrows its selection down based on a section or category. 
For example Cover Front Finishing (FrontFinishing Cover) refers to 'side' finishing operations. You can tell it is a side finishing as they say either front or reverse, the section type is 'Cover'.
Click the yellow arrow to add a filter to your set.

As you add the filters, they will show in the included list on the left.

You can remove a filter from the set by clicking the ‘X’.



You can edit the filters by clicking the ‘pencil’




You can set the Default. Selecting ‘None’ will have it default to none. If you selected ‘Matt Lam’ then it would always have a ‘Matt Laminate’ as the default.

You can also add it to a group. This just dictates where on the screen it positions the filter.



***A few tips for setting defaults on filters:

To set the default on a 'process' option, use the 'Short Name' and enter the front process 'name'.
Use a 'comma' in between and then add the reverse process' name'. 
Screenshot below shows the Short Names and the next screenshot shows the
short names combined as per this filter naming format.


This will default as per example below:


When setting 'operations' as defaults, always use the 'Name' code to enter into the filter default:


When setting a stock default, always use the stocks 'Code' to enter into the filter default:


When setting a size as default, always use the finished size 'Short Name' to enter into the filter default:


Once done, select the green ‘tick’ to confirm the selection.



These filters are added to groups in the product tree. See below example of the finished business card filter in action.




You can see the STOCK, COLOUR and SIZE on the left.

The ‘LAMINATING’ and 'FINISHING' is shown on the right.

**If you want the filters to just show one under the other and not have any on the right of the screen, leave the 'Group' field blank***

When you click the ‘Laminating’ you will see the below option box.


NOTE – If we left the ‘Group’ blank earlier and not added it to the ‘Laminating’ group, the laminating options would have shown separately under the main list as individual front and back and appeared below the ‘Stock’ option.

The ‘finishing’ also has a dropdown box.



If you cannot find the filter you require, you can create new ones by clicking on the 'Edit Filters' option:


This shows a new list of all the individual filters. At the bottom of the screen you can create new filters:



Next select the type of component the filter needs to search on. In this example I am setting the filter up to search only on operations that are linked to a operation
type of 'section finishing'.

You can select to have the filter narrow down by the type of 'section'. For example
if you wanted a laminate to apply to only the cover of a book, you would create the
cover as a 'cover' type section and have the filter only look at 'cover' sections:


For this filter we want to be able to have it apply to any section type see we will leave it as 'None':

We then can narrow the filter down further to only look at operations linked to an 'operation category' of 'Cutting'. Doing this allows us to keep the options showing
in a single dropdown limited to a smaller range of options. This makes it easier for customers when selecting from products with a large number of options.
You can also add a 'default' selection but this is best applied to the filter group as opposed to an individual filter.


Once done, click the green 'tick' to create the new filter:


Now when creating a new filter set, the new filter is available for you to select:




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