Customer Contact Upload Including Addresses

Customer Contact Upload Including Addresses

CUSTOMERS – Contact bulk upload includes address

The customer contact bulk upload csv also has the option of uploading the address at the same time.

To export the template csv file, go to – Admin - Import and Contact Bulk Upload.

Select ‘Contact Bulk Upload’ and export the template:


The template csv is split into two sections:

Contact Details – Columns A to N:

Address Details – Columns P to AA:

In this example I want to add a contact and address to the customer ‘Aus University’:

Enter the existing customer code and name into columns A & B:

Enter the contact details in columns E to N:

Enter address details in columns P to AA:

*In column Y you can enter either ‘Billing’ or ‘Delivery’
**You can set the address as the default in column Z

In the ‘Customer Upload’ screen select ‘Contact Bulk Upload and select file and click ‘Create Contacts:

Confirmation will show on successful upload:

Back in the customer record, the new contact and address are entered:

Notes on template

1. Asterix (*) on the header means the column is required to be filled in
2. Please note there are 2 active columns. One in Column “N” and the other one is Column “AA”.
            ‘Active’ column in Column “N” is for customer details. Marking it as TRUE/YES will reflect in this section in customer details view. 
            Leaving the column ‘Active’ as blank will mark the contacts as inactive, and contact/s will be hidden from the customer details view.

            ‘Active’ column in Column AA is for Address details. Marking it as TRUE/YES will reflect in this section in customer details view.
            Leaving column ‘Active’ as blank will mark the address as inactive and address will be hidden from the customer details view.

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