Customer Billing Address and Billing Contact Edit Restrictions

Customer Billing Address and Billing Contact Edit Restrictions

A Customer may only have one Billing type address specified.

They can have multiple delivery addresses.

A delivery address can be set as the billing address, but it will remove the ‘billing’ flag from the previously set billing address.

Two settings, ‘'Restrict Billing Addresses to only be edited from the customer admin screen’ and ‘'Restrict Billing Contacts to only be edited from the customer admin screen’ control the ability to edit the customers Billing Contacts and Billing Address outside of the Customer Details screen.

This helps control who has access to update billing details on a customer by preventing the billing details for a customer being inadvertently edited in freight sessions.

Note: These settings can only be accessed by printIQ Support

When enabled, these settings will restrict editing of billing contacts and addresses to the Customer Details screen only. 

The billing address can still be selected as a delivery address, but any changes to the billing address must be done through the Customer Details screen.

Any billing contact can also be selected as a delivery contact, but their details cannot be changed outside the Customer Details screen.

The Billing Address and Billing Contacts can be ‘edited / updated’ via the Address Import and Contact Import on the Bulk Customer Upload screen.

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