When setting up a webhook, if you want to filter on a specific value in the payload, you can add a custom expression to the column WHSDataFilterExpression.
Setting this value will cause records to be written into tblIQApplicationLog when it skips a record, and when it fails. This can be used to debug problems with your expression.
Logic: cusCode == 'Web'
JSON: $.cusCode=='Web'
XML: /root/cusCode[.="Web"]
Logic: cusCode == 'Web' and POPNum == 'OPO123788'
JSON: $.cusCode=='Web' && $.POPNum=='OPO123788'
XML: /root[./cusCode="Web" and ./POPNum="OPO123788"]
Logic: cusCode == 'Web' or POPNum == 'OPO123788'
JSON: $.cusCode=='Web 123' || $.POPNum=='OPO123788'
XML: /root[./cusCode="Web" or ./POPNum="OPO123788"]
Logic: POPNum == 'OPO123788' or (cusCode == 'Web 123' and cusCode == 'Web')
JSON: $.POPNum=='OPO123788' || $.cusCode=='Web 123' && $.cusCode=='Web'
XML: /root[./POPNum="OPO123788" or ./cusCode="Web 123" and ./cusCode="Web"]
Logic: (POPNum == 'OPO123788' or cusCode == 'Web 123') and cusCode == 'Web'
JSON: $.POPNum=='OPO123788' && $.cusCode=='Web 123'
$.POPNum=='OPO123788' && $.cusCode=='Web'
XML: /root[(./POPNum="OPO123788" or ./cusCode="Web 123") and ./cusCode="Web"]
Logic: AcceptanceDetails.QuoteNo == 'Q975891'
JSON: $.AcceptanceDetails.QuoteNo=='Q975891'
XML: /root/AcceptanceDetails/QuoteNo[.="Q975891"]
Logic: AcceptanceDetails.Products[first].QuoteNo == 'Q975891'
JSON: $.AcceptanceDetails.Products[0].QuoteNo=='Q975891'
XML: /root/AcceptanceDetails/Products/element[1]/QuoteNo[.="Q975891"]
Logic: AcceptanceDetails.Products[any].QuoteNo == 'Q975891'
JSON: $.AcceptanceDetails.Products[*].QuoteNo=='Q975891'
XML: /root/AcceptanceDetails/Products/element/QuoteNo[.="Q975891"]
Documentation on how to use JsonPath to filter JSON
Documentation on how to use XPath to filter XML
If it's JSON payload, put a JSON filter,
If it's XML payload, you need to put XML filter