Currency - Module

Currency - Module

This feature enables the ability to set a Manual currency exchange rate based on a start and finish date.

The exchange rates can be found by searching ‘Google Currency Conversion’ or by clicking here Google Currency

NOTE: If the Currency option is not available under the ‘Accounts’ tab please contact your printIQ specialist or your Account Manager.
If the currency needs to incur Sales Tax then set the various country ‘Sales Tax’ from the ‘Mange Tax Types found under the ‘Accounts’ tab.

From the Accounts tab, select Currency: 

To setup a Currency, first choose the Currency from the dropdown, in this example we will activate and set the British Pound exchange rate.
Select ‘Active’ then click the ‘Submit Change’ button:

Click the green ‘Confirm Changes’ button:


The new Currency will be added, now select the ‘Currency Rates’ Tab, see below:

To get the latest exchange rate click this link Google Currency or search for ‘Google Currency Conversion’ in your browser:

Enter the rate then choose the day it will start and finish:

If the First Day is ‘Today’ the rate will be added to list of ‘Active’ rates, if the First Day is in the future then the rate will be added to the ‘Pending’ rates list to be made Active on the specified date:

Once a rate is ‘Active’ there are 2 options available:
  1. Keep the Rate but extend the ‘Final Day’ (this has to be a date that is in the Future)
  2. Finish (delete) the current ‘Active’ rate and add a new one from scratch.

Once a rate is ‘Finished’ it will be added to a ‘Previous’ list

The new Currency will now be available for:

Site, Customer, Supplier or Freight Supplier:

The ‘Default’ currency can be changed on:

Tax Invoices

Purchase Orders

The Currency symbol will dynamically change on the printIQ page and also on the invoice PDFs:

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