Creating Paper Stocks, Materials and Sales Items linked to the same Inventory Item

Creating Paper Stocks, Materials and Sales Items linked to the same Inventory Item

Creating linked Inventory Items.

While creating inventory (stock) items that are linked to the same stock item you first need to divide your stock into two types. Paper Stocks, Material Stocks The difference between the types is listed below in the terminology explanation.
If there is one thing to remember, it is that in printIQ, you will need to add the Paper and Material Stock spreadsheets before you load the Sales Item spreadsheet for this to function correctly.

Overview of the structure

An explanation of printIQ terminology

Paper Stock
A paper stock is anything that you are needing to put through a press to print on to.  This could be finished size pre-printed letterhead to envelopes or blank stock for printing multiple up items.
Material Stock
A Material stock can be anything that is either a Raw Material laminate film, wire binds, glue etc or a Manufactured item such as Coffee Cups, mouse pads, preproduced magazines or brochures as an example.
Sales Item Stock
A Sales Item stock is anything that you wish your client to be able to purchase directly from your online store.  These can be a combination of stocks that could already be owned by your client or owned by your plant.

Planning the build structure of your stock uploads

First, make sure you have split your stock into the two different groups listed above.  Once you have done this you can will have to create 3 separate stock upload files.
In this section, we look at each option in more detail including where to find the correct download pages for importing via a CSV.
This can also be done via the screens by following the same order, Create the ‘Paper’ or ‘Manufactured Items’ before creating the Sales Item’ 

Paper Stock

To download the paper stock bulk upload file, you need to go to
Admin >> Configure Factory >> Stock Bulk Uploads

Once here follow download the template and populate the fields by following the steps above. Have the file checked and checked you can load the file into the system.

Material Stock Upload

To download the material stock bulk upload file, you need to go to
Admin >> Configure Factory >> Material Bulk Uploads

Once here follow download the template and populate the fields by following the steps above. Have the file checked and checked you can load the file into the system.

Sales Items Stock

To download the paper stock bulk upload file, you need to go to
Inventory >> Bulk Sales Item Upload
​If there is one thing to remember, it is that in printIQ, when you are creating Sales Items you do have the ability to add these against a customer. It is important to have the customer loaded in the system and know the Customer Account Code.

Once here follow download the template and populate the fields by following the steps above. We have added a link to an example below.

With the sales Item upload this is where the connections between the Paper and Material uploads come into play.
There are many columns in the sales order upload the you will need to take particular care with. I have listed out a few below

  1. Column B: This needs to be an image of the item you are uploading
  2. Column C: The Type.  This is to match either Paper or Manufactured as per the two spreadsheets above that you have previously loaded. Please make sure that you have created the ‘Item Type’ in the sales Item screen prior to creating via the screen or uploading in the CSV.
  3. Column D: The code here must match the inventory item code that you wish to like to
  4. Columns I to L: These columns will determine who can see these items from and ordering point of view.
Once these spreadsheets have been checked and entered into the system correctly, you will be able to use these items for quoting and placing orders through the factory.

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