Creating Custom Izenda Views

Creating Custom Izenda Views


To add additional Izenda views that the standard printIQ Izenda view doesn’t cover, you will need to be a self-hosted site with access to your database server, and some skill in using SQL.


Note: Custom views aren’t covered by support, and may require maintenance as printIQ is updated.

/*                         Creating a Custom View                                                                                 */
/*                                Recommended naming convention is VW_[YourBusinessName]_[Subject]                                  */

/*                                1: Drop existing view if it exists                                                              */
IF OBJECT_ID('VW_CustomerName_UserNames') IS NOT NULL
   DROP VIEW VW_CustomerName_UserNames;

/*                                2: Create your view                                                                             */
CREATE VIEW VW_CustomerName_UserNames
       SELECT  UserId [User ID],
                     UserName [User Name]
       FROM   aspnet_Users

/*                                3: Insert a record into tblIzenda_Object                                                         */
/*                                   This is so Izenda can recognise your view                                                    */
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tblIzenda_Object WHERE IOName = N'VW_CustomerName_UserNames')
       INSERT INTO tblIzenda_Object(IOName, IOActive, IOCustom, IOPrimaryKey, IOIsRestricted)
       VALUES (N'VW_CustomerName_UserNames', 1, 1, 'User ID', 0)

/*            (OPTIONAL)    4: Reset IIS                                                                                           */
/*                                              The Izenda cache can take a while to clear itself                                  */
/*                                              Your view won't show until this has happened                                      */
/*                                              The easiest way to do this is to reset Internet Information Services (IIS)        */



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