Create Freight Misc Charge Setting

Create Freight Misc Charge Setting

The setting Create misc charges on freight change has been expanded from a simple Boolean (yes / no) to options

Please contact our customer support team to enable this function.

This setting controls how printIQ manages price changes to shipping that is edited on the job.
The four options work as follows;

  1. No misc charge created - invoice quoted freight:  If freight is invoiced or not, we never create a misc charge and we invoice freight when it was accepted
  2. No misc charge created - invoice job freight: If freight is invoiced or not, we never create a misc charge and we invoice freight on the job as it is when the invoice was created
  3. Misc charges created after invoice: If change made on the job, this shows on invoice. If job already invoiced and changes made to freight, misc charges created, job partially invoiced, additional invoice required.
  4. Misc charges always created: Changes to freight, always make a misc charge Line on invoice

No misc charge created - invoice quoted freight

Freight charge quoted is always what show on the invoice, any changes/edits to this on the job details screen do not display on the invoice

No misc charge created - invoice job freight

No costs are either added or removed from the invoice total. This equates to the setting being set to ‘No’ previously.
If the shipping on a job is edited the value shown on the edit button in the dispatch tab shows the edited value

However, when an invoice is subsequently created, the original shipping cost is brought through and there is no misc charge entry created

Misc charge created after invoice

While a job is not invoiced and the shipping is edited and the shipping price changes, there is no misc charge created.
When the invoice is created the updated shipping price is brought directly onto the invoice.

Looking at the same invoice as above, the $35 edited cost is now brought through. There is no mention of misc charge and no reference to the original shipping cost

If this invoice is saved and the shipping edited again, a shipping misc charge IS generated. This causes the red attention icon to appear next to the Invoice button

Looking in the Misc Charge modal you will see the new shipping misc charge

Creating an invoice for either of these locations will bring the misc charge through onto a new invoice

If the edited shipping session caused a reduction in price, a credit note is generated instead of an invoice. This equates to the setting being set to ‘Yes’ previously.

Misc charge always created

With this set all edits to shipping are recorded as Misc Charges
In this job, I selected a different delivery method and incurred a charge of $20.15.
I then directly edited the price on the delivery, changing it to $45 – the misc charge shows the difference ($24.85)
Finally I directly edited it again down to $12 resulting in a -$33 misc charge

When invoiced all these misc charges are brought onto the invoice

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