Create Customer / Supplier

Create Customer / Supplier


How to create customer

To create a new customer, from the ‘Admin’ tab, select ‘Create’ under the ‘Customer heading:

The customer screen is broken into multiple sections.


This is the main details related to the customer:

Account Details

Enter the customer's default account details.

Billing Address:

Enter the customers default billing address for invoicing

Pricelists & Group

This will allow you to select the price lists to apply to this customer.
You can select the group the customer belongs to which will give them access to the group of price lists for that group of customers e.g. retail or trade lists.
You can also give them access to an individual list. 
See the pricing articles for more information on how this works.

Once all details are entered, click ‘Save’ to add the customer to the printIQ database:

Once the initial details are saved, the customer record will enable advanced options to be configured:

Options Of Note

Important Notes:

Will show as a pop-up when their customer record is selected when a quote is started:

The user must click the ‘I Understand’ button to continue the quote.
The note will also show in the ‘i’ hover-over for future reference:

As well as on a quote’s checkout screens for reference by users who did not create the quote:

We have two ways that this feature can be implemented. 
  1. By default, the system will pop up the ‘Important Notes’ box once for every quote or Request for Quote created. 
  2. The second option is to have the original pop up box appear every time any quotes product is opened or any quote is altered.
    Note: To action this option rather than the default, please contact your printIQ support team to assist in the setup.
There is a log list of setting that can be configured against a customer.
Contact printIQ support for further details on specific settings.

Delivery addresses can be added, edited, and made inactive from here.

Delivery contacts can be added, edited, and made inactive from here.

Individual printIQ internal users can be assigned certain responsibilities on a customer-by-customer basis.
For more information on responsibilities, see KB article ‘Responsibilities – Assigning Users’.

See the customers activity history.


How to create Supplier

To create a new Supplier, from the ‘Admin’ tab, select ‘Create’ under the ‘Customer heading:

Update the Type here.

The supplier screen is broken into multiple sections.

Account Details

Enter the supplier's default account details.

Billing Address:

Enter the supplier's default billing address for invoicing

Once all details are entered, click ‘Save’ to add the Supplier to the printIQ database:

Options Of Note

Important Notes:

There is a log list of setting that can be configured against a supplier.
Contact printIQ support for further details on specific settings.

Delivery addresses can be added, edited, and made inactive from here.

Delivery contacts can be added, edited, and made inactive from here.

Individual printIQ internal users can be assigned certain responsibilities on a supplier-by-supplier basis.
For more information on responsibilities, see KB article ‘Responsibilities – Assigning Users’.

See the supplier activity history.

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