Create a Dynamic Catalog

Create a Dynamic Catalog


A dynamic catalog is a method of configuring product ranges where the production of all items is identical apart from the artwork,
so they can be quickly reordered by sales staff or even directly by the customer.
This is commonly used by label printers for reordering of previously printed labels within the catalog.

Dynamic catalog only works if you are using Freight by Cart set up.

NOTE: For quotes created using the dynamic catalog, for 'lanes' to be used as the calculation method, the below internal setting must be turned on:

*Contact support to have this enabled

How to create a Dynamic Catalog

To create a Dynamic Catalog, you always start with a quote.
Create a quote that contains all the production details and operations required to produce the job on the shop floor.
In the example we have the stock, print process, link to existing die and production finishing operations such as laminating and diecutting.
We also include ‘workflow’ based operations such as imposition and planning

You can use a basic ‘template’ style quote as the starting point, or you could use the original quote generated to quote the range.

From the ‘Order Details’ screen, click the triangle in the top right:

This opens additional details on the product. Click on the ‘Template Product’ button

Select the option ‘Convert to Dynamic Catalog’

This initiates the Dynamic Catalog Kit creation wizard.

Dynamic Catalog Items Wizards 

Dynamic Catalog Items

From the quote, the next step is to add the ‘Dynamic Catalog Items’ to the kit.

In the above example we have a single kind showing. This is because we added one advanced kind only to the initial quote.
If you used an existing quote with multiple advanced kinds, they would already be showing here.

From the ‘+’ button, you can add new or existing items to the kit
(you can also add the item details from the kinds already showing on the screen)
Just rename and click the artwork icon to attach the artwork

A dropdown displays for the item configuration:

printIQ will auto generate a SKU and UNIQUE ID when a new item is initiated. These can be overridden as required

Enter the item details:
  1. Name – A short name identifying the item
  2. Description – A detailed description of the item
  3. Artwork – attach a pdf file of the artwork
  4. Thumbnail – a .png file will be generated on pdf upload. This can be replaced by another image if required
  5. SKU – This is the sku reference. This will be auto generated but is often manually changed to reflect the customer’s ID code for the item
  6. UNIQUE ID – this is an auto generated ID for the artwork. This is used in workflow automation such as Esko

Once saved the item will show on the screen

Add all items required for the range.
Once done click ‘Save & continue’ to move to the next screen in the wizard

Manage Product

This takes you to the ‘Product Creation’ screen.
This is where the quote options are converted to an SPC (Single Product Creation) session.

All the inputs from the quote are populated and can be updated now or later.

Some quoting functions such as ‘Quote Questions’ is not supported in the Dynamic Catalog workflow.
If you go to convert a quote containing either of these functions, you will see a warning at the top of the screen:

The screen is split into multiple sections
  1. Session Details
    The only option here is the ‘Bypass Artwork Submission’ checkbox.
    Check this on if the artwork is to always use the art linked to the items previously generated.
    Leave this off if the artwork will change and is required to be uploaded once the order is converted into a job.

  2. Product Definition
    This relates to the ‘Job’ components of the original quote.
    Here you can change the finished size, add/remove job base operations and set various other overrides that you have access to via custom quoting
  3. Section Controls
    This relates to all ‘Side’ and ‘Section’ based options.
    As per the custom quote you can alter stocks, colours, operations, and imposition-based overrides

    In general, if the initial quote was setup correctly, you will only need to view this screen as all the information will be prepopulated for the quote.
    You can access this screen at any time to make alterations.
Once done click ‘Save & continue’ to move to the next screen in the wizard.

Manage Kits

The details related to the dynamic kit are configured here

You give the kit a Code’ Name and Description. Link it to a tree node for quoting access and set the pricing method.
You can also view all items linked to the selected kit

In this example for our range of Gin Labels we first set the Code, Name and Description:

Next, we need to create a tree node to link the kit to or link it to an existing node

Click in the ‘Product Category’ to link to an existing node

Or click the icon to create a new tree node

Click to create a new node opens the ‘Product Categories’ screen

Click the + button at the top to start creating a new node

From the ‘New Product Category’ screen enter the details for the new node.
Note: Select the ‘Type’ of ‘Product’

Configure the node by naming it, uploading an icon, and setting its view order in the product tree.
You can also link it to a customer or customer group

Once done, click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the screen.
Click back into your kits tab and the new node will be available to link to in the ‘Product Category’

Select a ‘Pricing Method’

Pricing Method Options
1. Single Unit Pirce
When selected the ‘Price’ field opens. Enter the price per individual unit

2. Unit Price By Quantity
When selected, an additional ‘Quantities’ tab displays at the top of the screen

This is used to enter pricing by quantity breaks

3. Production based pricing
With this option the order is priced using the quote pricing generated by printIQ

Last you can set customer and account rules as well as upload a thumbnail to display when quoting

You can access all items linked to the kit from here

Items can be deactivated, added and order rearranged

Once configured, click ‘Save & Complete’

This will take you to the ‘Finish’ tab and show a summary of all items:

You can now order items from the Dynamic Catalog via simplified quoting

The catalog will show on the screen. Click the ‘Order’ arrow to see the items available in the kit

All items will view with a thumbnail along with the name, description and SKU.
The user can order by quantity all or some of the available items.

As you add quantities, a summary of total quantity over the number of items will display at the foot of the quote.

 A blue triangle will display against each item with a quantity input

Once confirmed,
‘Add’ the ordered items they will display in the cart

Click the arrow to view items in the order
A ‘per unit’ price also displays under each item’s quantity

The same view is also available on the ‘Order Details’ screen

On acceptance, the quantity details will show in the job description

Quantity breakdown will also display via the quantity hover ‘Print Summary’

Other Setup / Options

Edit Parent Product

From the ‘Modify Kit’ admin screen, there is a quick access link to ‘Edit Parent Product’

This takes you to the wizard where you can edit the kit configuration


When configuring the items withing a kit you can add ‘grouping’ to separate items.
Here we have a alcohol range with various ‘flavours’ for Gin, Bourbon and Brandy.
We have added a ‘group’ header to separate them.

When quoting, the items will display in their groups to make ordering easier

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