Chili Document with Datasource via CSV Upload with Kinds Pricing

Chili Document with Datasource via CSV Upload with Kinds Pricing

Note: This method is used for Datasource products as the Single Product Creation setup method is limited to 50 rows of pricing information. 

Business Card Example

Once your Data Source Document has been set up in Chili Publisher you will need to set up the product and pricing in Print IQ

To set up a Chili Publish Datasource product we use a Product CSV with a Pricing CSV 

To set up the product you will need to complete the following tasks:

Create – Product Category 

Go to Admin>Factory Capabilities>Manage Product Categories

Click the + button on the Right-Hand Side of the Screen to create a new product Category

Set the Type as Product

Upload a Thumbnail of the product.

Position & Visibility - You can control where the product appears in the simplified screen as well as the being able to limit the availability of product to specific customers or groups

Products and Filters – Set the quantity list to None as the quantities and kinds will be drawn from the CSV Pricing Spreadsheet

Save the Product and note the Product Category Number as this will be referenced in the CSV 

Create the Product CSV

Go to Admin>Factory Capabilities>Upload Factory Capabilities

Download the Product Template CSV

Add data to the CSV – Only the fields that are relevant have been highlighted. Leave all other fields blank

Fields – Columns A - I

##Headers:Site – Insert your Site Name Here – this should be set to FACTORY

SessionName – This can be your preferred description for the product

ProductCode – This must be Unique for each product – Pick a standard format that you wish to use ex – BC-CHILBCDS 

TreeNode – This is the Product Category Number of the product you set up previously

SectionType – Single-Section

Stock – This is the Stock CODE found in Admin>Configure Factory>Stock. 

Fold Catalogue – This is found in Admin>Configure Factory>Fold Catalogues

Process FrontProcess Back – Code found at Admin>Configure Factory>Processes – use the Short Name

Fields – Columns J – S

Note: The operation names used in the SectionFinish, SideFinish & JobFinish fields are found at Admin>Configure Factory> Operations. Use the “Name” field

You can either group them all in the same field separated by semicolons or copy and insert another field in the spreadsheet.

SectionFinish – This field is for Section Operations such as Scoring, Perforating, Die Cutting etc.

SideFinishFront & SideFinishBack – Enter Side operations such as Celloglazing and Laminating.

MinPage & MaxPage – Set this to 2 & 2 to indicate that the product has a front and a back.

JobFinish – This is the field for Job Operations such as Proofing, File Check, Cartons etc 

Size – Finished Size of the job is entered here - use the Short Name which can be found at Admin>Configure Factory>Finish Size

Pricelist – This is the Wholesale Pricelist that you wish to link to. It is important to note that the Retail Pricelist that you assign to a customer who accesses this product must be linked to the Wholesale pricelist you set here. Usually this will be your Wholesale Pricelist

The pricelists can be found at Admin>Pricing Admin>Maintain Pricelists and view Wholesale Pricelists

PriceType – This is always set to “3” where you define the quantity and price for each quantity as this equates to a price type of “Fixed Quantity” 

Quantity – Leave Blank – The quantity will be sourced from the Pricing Template CSV

Price - Leave Blank – The Price will be sourced from the Pricing Template CSV

VarDataArtworkDownload – Set for Chili Documents – High Resolution / Low Resolution – allows artwork created at quote stage to be downloaded if required. Leave blank if you do not want artwork to be downloaded

VarDataTemplateID – This is your Document ID

VarDataSystemName – This will be your Site name that has been linked to Chili Publisher

VarDataEnvironment – This is your Chilli Publisher Environment Name

BypassArtworkSubmission- set this to TRUE to prevent the submit artwork screen showing as the artwork will be created by Chili Publisher.

VarDataExtraData – Set the Editor / Workspace / View Preference / Datasource & Output Settings here.

Description – This is the product description that appears in the Product area. Enter a customised description if you wish to override the description taken from the operations. For linebreaks use \n

BleedOverride – Leave this blank unless you wish to specify the bleed on the product otherwise enter a number in mm that you wish to apply

ProductionNote – This will show in the production notes on the job ticket

Create the Pricing CSV

Download the Pricing Spreadsheet from Admin>Factory Capabilities>Upload Factory Capabilities

The following fields appear in the Pricing CSV:

{Product Code} – This is the Product Code you created in the Product CSV and links the two spreadsheets

{Price List Name} – This is the Wholesale Pricelist that will apply to the product

{Quantity}*{Kinds} – This product has 3 Quantities available for up to 5 Kinds. You need to include pricing to cover the maximum amount of kinds that you will allow in your Datasource upload. 

Procedure for uploading Product & Pricing CSV’s. 

When Spreadsheet has been completed go to Admin>Factory Capabilities>Upload Factory Capabilities

Step 1: Locate Product CSV and Pricing CSV the select IMPORT

Step 2 – Create Products

Step 3 – View Created Products

Step 4 – Activate the draft product 

In Session Actions select – Activate Draft Products. You will then see the green tick move to the Active Box

Step 5 - Test the product

Create a Quote to test the newly created product prices.

The Quantity and Price will use the first line in your Pricing CSV. Select the quantity you require of each kind then upload your datasource. The Kinds will update when you select SAVE in the Template

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