CHILI and printIQ functionality - creating sub directories

CHILI and printIQ functionality - creating sub directories


In order to facilitate better communication between printIQ and CHILI, and to make it easier to organise CHILI Documents,
printIQ writes sub directories for quote documents in your CHILI environment. 

CHILI documents referenced in a quote are stored in structured folders within the CustomerFiles folder. 

The artwork will be generated into a folder structure within the InProcess folder once the job is quoted. 
Within the InProcess folder there will be subfolders for year, then inside the year will be subfolders for month.

When the quote is accepted the artwork will move between the relevant month folder within the InProcess folder, to an identical folder structure within the Accepted folder.

The InProcess folder contains a year folder.
e.g. 2018, 2019 etc.
The year folder contains month (as integer) folders
e.g. 10 for October, 11 for November, etc.

This allows CHILI to communicate quicker with printIQ, and vice versa, as one folder with thousands of files will no longer require parsing.
Additionally, cleanup of unused documents over time can be done by simply selecting an entire folder and deleting.

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