Bulk Upload IQstore Items

Bulk Upload IQstore Items

IQ Store Items can be created and modified in bulk using the sales item import / export options on the IQStore Admin screen toolbar.

Download the CSV

Selecting Import from the drop-down menu will open a file selector to select the CSV for upload.

The Export functions will export all store items listed on the board.
Export All will export all store items including inactive items.
Export (x) exports the details for the filtered items on the board.

There is a ‘Show Inactive’ flag on the IQStore Admin that will either include or exclude items marked as Inactive from both the screen and the CSV export.

Selecting 'Template' will download a blank CSV upload template file. 'Help' displays a popup modal depicting the column values within the CSV:

Populate the CSV

Columns in Blue can be updated using the CSV Export / Import functionality.
Columns in Red cannot be updated through the CSV.
Columns in Green can be duplicated. Some columns are ‘paired’ whereby both columns must be duplicated together.

Col A – Item Key – This field left blank when adding new items. It will be populated when downloading existing items and must not be edited or the incorrect item may be updated on upload.
Col B – Image Name – This can be either the name of the image file that will be uploaded along with the CSV, or it can specify a URL to an image file. When a URL is specified, the image is not copied to the file store, but is loaded fresh each time. Useful if your supplier has a product image library.
Col C – Type – Must match with a type defined under Item Types on the Sales Items Admin Board. Default is Miscellaneous Items:

Col D – Code – This is the unique item code.
Col E – Name – The name of the product
Col F – Description – The description of the product.

Col G – Pricing Method – Options are Each, Set Quantity Breaks, Price By Next Quantity Break or Price By Each up to break. See help modal in a store item definition for more detail of the Pricing Method.
Col H and I – Quantity and Price – ‘Each’ pricing method does not require a quantity – 1 is assumed. For the other pricing methods, quantities and prices are ‘paired’ and need to be entered. To add more quantity breaks simply duplicate both columns and paste them in next to Col I. You can insert as may as you wish, however for more complex pricing structures you should consider the Pricing Upload CSV.
Col J – Handling Pricing Method – Valid options are [Blank], Single Fee, Single Order Fee, Each, Single fee by next quantity break, Combine fee by next quantity break and Combined fee by each up to break. See help modal in a store item definition for more detail of the Handling Pricing Method
Col K and L - Quantity and Price – Another ‘paired’ set of columns. As with the pricing method quantity and price, fields above, these can be:

Col M – Default Location – Set on item creation – cannot be updated via CSV. Can be updated through Inventory.
Col N – Default Supplier Code – Supplier code.
Col O – Owned By – Options are Factory, Supplier or Customer
Col P – Owner’s Code – Required if Col O is not ‘FACTORY’
Col Q – Access Type – Valid options are Anyone, Group or Customer
Col R – Accessed By Code – [blank] or customer code or customer group code depending on previous column value.

Col S – Single Item Weight – The weight of 1 item. Used for freight calculations.
Col T – Default Item Units – The number of items per unit ordered.
Col U – Cost Per Unit – Suppliers unit cost
Col V - Freight Override – Freight override code if required.
Col W – Managed Item – True / False – Sets whether the item’s stock levels are managed.
Col X – Awaiting Delivery – Legacy setting – set to FALSE

Col Y – Category – Name of the Product Category the item is contained in.
Col Z – Tag – Tags are like ‘keywords’ that can be searched for when placing an order. Allows related store items to be returned on specific searches. Each ‘tag’ requires a separate column on the CSV. If they do not exist at upload time they will be created. Can be left blank.
Col AA – Active – TRUE / FALSE – Sets the active state of the item. Items can be created as ‘Inactive’ and activated at a later time.
Col AB – Draft – True / False – Legacy Setting – Ignored
Col AC – Item Width – In cm or inches. Used for freight calculations.
Col AD – Item Height – In cm or inches. Used for freight calculations.
Col AE – Item Depth – In cm or inches. Used for freight calculations.
Col AF – Product Range – For Promo Products only. One Product Range per store item.
Col AG – Embellishment SKU – For Promo Products only. For multiple embellishments on a store item, duplicate the column as necessary.Uploading the CSV

Uploading the CSV

In the Store Admin screen, under the Sales Item drop-down selector on the toolbar, select Import:

Click 'Choose File' and select the CSV file plus any required images to upload together. (Use the Ctrl key to select multiple files)

The next modal lists the selected CSV and image files, if any, to be uploaded for verification. 
Click ‘Verify import for x files’. This will perform some checks on the CSV before creating or updating the items:

After clicking Verify, the CSV is read, and the product details are listed in the modal for confirmation.
Note: No products have been created or modified at this point:

Click 'Confirm Import for x items' to complete the import procedure. After importing you are back at the Sales Item Admin screen, with the results of the import:

The example above was for a Promo Product. After importing, the product is available for quoting in the Promo Store category:

In this case it is an easy task to edit the CSV upload file and update the Image, Code, Name, Description and Product Range to add different colours / variations of the product.

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