Auto Refresh Production Boards

Auto Refresh Production Boards

Auto-Refresh Production Boards (Google Chrome Browsers)

Some companies have requested having one or more of the Production Boards displayed on large screens in the factory.

This can be easily achieved by utilising an auto-refresh plugin.

There are several plugins available to you online. 

I will be focusing on an extension called Tab Reloader - search for tab reloader (page auto refresh))

It is an easy-to-use tab reloader with custom reloading time settings for individual tabs

When added to Chrome a small icon appears in the top of the Chrome window, to the right-hand side of the URL…

The first thing to do is create a user account to use for displaying the boards.

You should use a dedicated user account, as the Filters applied to the boards are saved down against the users account which may change if the user is looking at the same board on another PC and changes the filters on those boards.

To set it up the reloader, log into printIQ as the user that will be used to display the board.

Load the board you want to display and have auto-refresh (for example the Dispatch Board)

Click on the Tab Reloader icon in that tab. (The Tab Reloader is applied to individual tabs and does not re-load all open pages)

This popup window appears…

It defaults to 5-minute intervals.

This can be adjusted (you must disable the Reloader to update the interval) down to a minimum of 10 seconds – see the Notes in the image above.

Make sure to not enable the other 3 settings (we want it to always reload, we do not want to use cached data and we are not submitting any forms)

Once the interval has been set to what you want, click the ‘Enable’ switch.

A timer starts so you can see where in the update cycle the reloader is.

The reloader above is set to update every minute and has 41 seconds before its next refresh.

Points to note:

You can set the filters, date ranges and FIFO / LIFO etc and these are retained when the boards refresh.

The board does not initially load with the Tab Reloader enabled – it must be enabled every time you restart the browser.

(Tab Reloader documentation states that it does restart if there is a system crash and Chrome restores the session. This has not been tested by printIQ)

It defaults to 5-minute intervals when opened in a browser tab.

F11 will put the browser into ‘Full Screen’ mode, hiding the address bar and icons in Chrome. F11 again will restore the screen.

Part Opening the Board on a specific Filter Group

When the production boards are opened, they retain your filter selections, however they always open on the first group on the board…


For the Auto Refresh function to open and refresh these boards  with the right filter group selected  you will need to add a small Java user script to select the desired filter group on page load.

To do this you will need to add the Tampermonkey Chrome Extension to the Chrome Browser on the PC that is driving the boards display.

Once installed you should see the  icon to the right of the address bar in the browser.

Click it and select Create new script from the drop-down menu…

This opens the Tampermonkey edit screen…

Copy the code snippet below and paste into the Tampermonkey editor, replacing what was there…

   // ==UserScript==

// @name         Tab to Select

// @namespace

// @version      0.1

// @description  Select the required tab on Production Board

// @author       printIQ

// @match

// @grant        none

// ==/UserScript==

(function() {

   'use strict';



If you are setting this up for more than one board, you will need separate scripts, depicting the specific URL for the board in question.

The only edits required to the script are highlighted above.

The @match field is the URL to perform the action on.

The #BoardFilterGroupn refers to the position of the filter group.

In the above image Platemaking is BoardFilterGroup1, Planning is BoardFilterGroup2, Laminate/Coating is BoardFilterGroup3 and so on.

These filter groups are all named the same across the All Jobs, Pre Production, Production, Job Sections and Impositions Boards, working from left to right, 1 thru n.

When you have finished your edits, click File / Save…

The script is now ready to run on the PC you have set it up on.

To test its operation, simply open (or reload) the URL depicted in the script in a tab on the browser the script is on. 

It should open straight into the tab set above.

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