Auto Assignment of Store Item Codes and Product Codes

Auto Assignment of Store Item Codes and Product Codes

This details the process of auto assigning product codes for ‘Store Items’ and ‘Manufactured’ products.
This is an ‘always on’ function, but these codes will only auto generate on creation if the Code field is left blank.
Manual assignment of product and item codes is also supported.

Two entries on the ‘Maintain Sequence’ board control the automatic allocation of store ‘Item Codes’ and ‘Product Codes’ on item creation.

The sequence configuration for store Item Codes and Product Codes are identical, except for the predefined prefix (‘IC’ – Item Code and ‘PC’ – Product Code, both of which are editable in the sequence admin).

When the ‘Use customer prefix’ switch is selected, the ‘Include dash’ switch is exposed.

These two settings control the ‘SP-’ part of the code shown in the blue example at the bottom, which is replaced by the Customers’ Sequence Prefix, if it exists.

The sequence prefix value is (optionally) set in the financial details on the Customer Details record:

The ‘Prefix’ field of the ‘Item Code Sequence’ definition, if defined on the Customers’ record, is applied to all store items that the sequence is used on.

‘Pad numbers’ and ‘Amount of Digits’ control the minimum length of the item code. If the sequence numbering gets higher than the padding is set for, the new codes are still created.

As various options are tried, the example at the bottom will show the structure of the proposed codes:

The logic behind the determination of the application of prefixes is as follows:

      If the ‘Owned By’ Customer / Supplier has a prefix, use that
      Else if the ‘Access Type’ Customer / Group has a prefix, use that
      Else if the ‘Owned By’ Customers’ / Suppliers’ Site has a prefix, use that
      Else if the ‘Access Type’ Customer / Group has a prefix, use that.
      Else No Prefix.

Points to note
‘Owned By’ Customer can refer to either Customer OR Supplier – the behaviour is the same
When a customer Group is selected, printIQ searches through the member customers of the group until it finds a prefix. If present, the first prefix found is used.

When generating the Code, if both Owned and Accessed by have prefixes, the Owned By prefix takes precedence.

If the Owned By is set to Supplier and the supplier has a prefix, that prefix will be used in the product code generation.

If Owned By is set to Factory and Access Type is Anyone no prefixes are used in the product codes.

Store Item and Product Creation

When manually creating a Store Item or a Product, the Code field can be left blank:

Because the customer does not have a prefix set, and the site the customer is linked to also does not have it set, no prefix is applied when the new store item is confirmed:

However, adding the same product and setting it as being accessed by a customer that has the prefix set:Applies the customers prefix to the item code:

Applies the customers prefix to the item code:

And shows in the store:

With Product Creation the same rules apply.

The prefix portion is separated out into an un-editable field and is drawn from the Customer or Factory record.
The Product Code field can be left blank on creation:

Saving the single product definition as above would generate a new product and code in your quoting store:

Once the Sequence Structure is defined, when uploading store items or products via their respective CSVs, the ‘Code’ field can be left blank to avail of the automatically generated unique product codes.

In an IQ Store Item CSV upload file, you can choose to leave the Code column blank, or alternatively specify the exact code you wish to apply to the product:

The following examples show how the different codes are being generated.

When the Item Code sequence is not using the Customer Prefix and items are configured as Owned by Factory in the CSV, with an Access Type of Anyone, the new items are created without any prefix being applied:

If the same 3 products are uploaded with Owned By set to Factory and Access Type set to a customer with a prefix (AX), the code generated now uses that customers’ prefix:

Uploading the three products again with the Owned By set to a Supplier with a prefix defined (DS), printIQ will use the Suppliers Prefix over the Access Types prefix:

Wise Words

Changes made to customer, supplier or site prefixes will not change existing product codes.
If a Single Product is updated after modifying the customers sequence, the new session WILL utilise the sequence as set at the time of update.

Prefixes are Case Sensitive and are stored and used in the case they are entered.

Prefixes are NOT unique across Customers or Suppliers. Duplicate prefixes are allowed.

Prefixes MUST be unique across Sites.

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