API (SOAP) – Job XML highlights

API (SOAP) – Job XML highlights



The printIQ Job XML contains many elements, attributes and values to allow automated processing by supported production integration systems. As your third party system receives the Job XML from printIQ, use the below tags as guides to invoke file processing.



<Job / Config / ProductionIntegrationPath>
The Production Integration Path is the target for any SOAP calls by third party systems. You may navigate a web browser to this URL and use the tool for manually testing SOAP calls you envision incorporating into your automated workflow.


<Job / JobNumber>
For any SOAP call to printIQ, you are required to call out the corresponding Job Number (JobRef).


<Job / Workflow>
printIQ is developed to operate along a specific set of steps for artwork file, pre-production processing. The Workflow tag value is updated during each step of the pre-production process. The value begins at ‘Create Job’, and will then move through steps like ‘Preflight’ and ‘Proof’. Each time a production process is complete, printIQ generates a new Job XML with updated Workflow value.



<Job / Product / CustomerExpectedDateUTC> and <Job / Product / DueDateUTC>
Use these dateTime tags to display on a dashboard or schedule processing for specific intervals of production.


<Job / Product / FinishedWidth> and <Job / Product / FinishedHeight>
The Finished Width and Finished Height tags may be utilized during a preflight process. The values are in millimeters to four trailing zeros. You may use the UPDATE_JOB_FINISH_SIZE EventType to reconfigure the expected artwork trim size.


<Job / Product / Kinds>
Use the Kinds tag to understand how many pages the artwork should contain.

<Job / Sections / Section / Artwork / Files / File / Name>
For any SOAP call to printIQ, you are required to call out the corresponding File Name (FileRefs).


<Job / Sections / Section / ExpectedPDFPages>
In certain workflows, supplied artwork page count is designed with imposition in mind. For instance: a six-page DL folded product is generally supplied as a two-page A4 landscape artwork. In these cases, looking out for the Expected PDF Pages tag informs a preflight engine to override the expected values. The Expected PDF Pages value is configured at the Fold Catalogue screen (Admin / Configure Factory / Fold Catalogues).

<Job / Product / Questions / QuoteQuestion>
The Quote Question element and it’s child elements allow for further customization in the automation processing scheme. For example: if you do not use printIQ’s email notification function, but instead use your prepress system, a ‘Proof contact’ quote question may be called up here. You may be required to drill down a number of elements to reach a valid email address.

<Job / Operations>
Any operation assigned to the job will be a tag here. There are no rules as to order of placement.

<Job / IntegrationOperations>
Any operation configured with the ‘Enable Production Integration’ tick will display as a child element here. The values are simply ‘1’ to avoid empty tags that some third party systems do not handle appropriately.



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