API (SOAP) – Add Note

API (SOAP) – Add Note



You may use SOAP calls to add Notes to a Job Details screen.

As with other Production Integration API calls, you must reference the following Parameters

  • System
  • EventType
  • JobRef

Production Integration supported Systems


The following table lists the Systems and their Value



Enfocus SWITCH


Kodak Prinergy Connect


Esko Automation Engine



ADD_NOTE EventType

The EventType Value to add a Note is ‘ADD_NOTE’. You must reference a key ({"QNTKey"}) of ‘15’, then specify ({"QNote"}) the text to display as a Note.
The following code will add “My Note” as a Note to Job J012345


function sendSoap {

            var resp = SOAP.request[“http://yourprintiq.com/WebService/ProductionIntegration.asmx”], {

                              “http://iq.co.nz/:RunEvent” : {

                                    System: “EnfocusSwitchScript”,

                                    EventType: “ADD_NOTE”,

                                    SystemData: {“QNTKey”: 15, “QNote”: “My Note”},

                                    JobRef: “J012345”,

                                    FileRefs: “J012345_Artwork file_1.pdf”,

                                    EventText: ““



            var resu = resp[“http://iq.co.nz/:RunEventResponse%E2%80%9D][%E2%80%9CRunEventResult”];

                        if (resu !== “Success”) {

                              throw new Error(“Invalid response from web service: “ + resu);    


                        return resu;




 Referencing Artwork file is optional

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