Inventory Transaction GET/POST API and Push Webhook
We have provided an API that will support an inventory transaction to be created within printIQ from a third-party application. The API will support a standard inventory transaction, i.e. stock pick, stock adjustment or stock return. No additional functionality will be added to the printIQ inventory system. printIQ will also provide a web-hook that will push inventory transactions to a URL endpoint. This will allow printIQ to push inventory transactions to a third-party application.
Whenever a transaction happens within printIQ, that transaction will get pushed to a webhook that is configured.
You can GET/POST a webhook using the URL https://{INSTANCE}/WebService/WebHook.svc/json/inventorytransactions/
When you specify a TransactionType, these must be passed as is either 'Pick', 'Return' or 'Adjustment'.
When you make picks or returns you must specify a job/sales order to pick or return from. You can specify a Job Number or Sales Order number and we will resolve the QQADKey/SOKeys for you.
Instead of specifying the ILKey you can specify the inventory location name.
Instead of specifying an IIKey you can specify an inventory item code (IICode)
If you have multiple sections with the same inventory item, you can specify a section number to pick from. If no section number is specified, the first section found with that inventory item will be picked.
When doing a return, you must specify a ITOverrideKey, this is the transaction key of the transaction you are returning.
If you want to return a stock pick, that ITKey goes in the ITOverrideKey for the return transaction.
POST /WebService/WebHook.svc/json/inventorytransactions/ HTTP/1.1
Adjustment Example:
{"TransactionType":"{TRANSACTIONTYPE}", "IICode": "{ITEMCODE}", "ITUnits": {QTY}, "ILName": "{LOCATION NAME}”}
{“TransactionType”:"adjustment", “IICode”: "NCCCABW310", “ITUnits”: 50, “ILName”: “Warehouse”}
Return Example:
{"TransactionType":"{ TransactionType }", "QQADKey": {QQADKey}, "IICode": "{ITEMCODE}", "ITUnits": {QTY}, "ILName": "{LOCATION NAME}", "ITOverrideKey":{ITKey}}
{"TransactionType":"return", "QQADKey": 871, "IICode”: "NCCCABW310", "ITUnits": 0, "ILName": "Warehouse", "ITOverrideKey":3308}
Pick Example:
{"TransactionType":"pick", "QQADKey": {QQADKey}, "IICode": "{ITEMCODE}", "ITUnits": {QTY}, "ILName": "{LOCATION NAME}"}
{"TransactionType":"pick", "QQADKey": 871, "IICode": "NCCLCR1BW400", "ITUnits": 16, "ILName": "Warehouse"}
GET /WebService/WebHook.svc/json/inventorytransactions/ HTTP/1.1