Accounts - Check for Payment

Accounts - Check for Payment

Check for Payment works with both Xero and QBO Online accounts integration with printIQ.

To be able to check payments from your Accounting package to match against printIQ information, IQ personnel will need to enable and configure this functionality.

The functionality works as follows from 5 places on the printIQ system.

  • Invoices Board  
  • Invoice Details
  • All Jobs Board
  • Job Details
  • Dispatch Board

XERO Accounting

Xero system operates as a direct API call from printIQ.  

Processing between the two systems is transparent and automatic for the printIQ user.

“QuickBooks Online” Accounting

For customers utilizing QuickBooks Online, there will be a ‘Connect to QuickBooks’ button
on each webpage which has had this functionality enabled.

This button needs to be clicked by Accounting personnel with an authorized QuickBooks Online user account and credentials – but only when a warning appears in printIQ that you need to connect to QuickBooks online.  

Once the button is clicked by an authorized person, all printIQ operators with roles giving access to the webpages listed above will be able to request updated payment information.

The ‘Connect to QuickBooks’ button is located at the top of the webpages it is enabled for.

Invoices Board

For a single Invoice, you can inline click the Board Action, and select ‘Check for Payment’

Also, you can select multiple Invoices using the checkboxes, then click the “Check Payments for Selected” option on the Action Bar.

Upon successful retrieval of Payment details, the page will be updated, to display payment(s) received in the Paid column, and Due Column will also be amended.

Invoice Details

After selecting an Invoice (clicking on the green invoice number in the Manage Invoices Page), you will be presented with a page similar to above snippet.

Click the ‘hamburger’ on right-hand side and select ‘Check for Payment’.

Web Page will be updated with Payments detail at bottom of page.

All Jobs Board

On the All Jobs Board, for a single Job, you can inline click the Board Action, and select ‘Check for Payment’

Also, you can select multiple Jobs using the checkboxes, then click the “Check for Payment” option on the Action Bar.

Upon successful retrieval of Payment details, the page will be updated, to display payment(s) received – the Status column will change from ‘Awaiting Payment’ to the next status on the  workflow for the job.

Job Details

After selecting a Job from the All Jobs Board (by clicking on Green Job Number) you will be presented with a page similar to below snippet.

Click ‘Check for Payment’ on the grey Action Bar at the top.

Upon successful retrieval of Payment details, the updated page will display payment(s) received, by updating the Status from ‘Awaiting Payment’ to the next status in the job workflow and ‘Paid’ indicator in top right will be set to ‘Yes’.

Dispatch Board

On the Dispatch Board for a single Job, you can access the Board Actions by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the magnifier and select ‘Check for Payment’.

Also, you can select multiple Jobs using the checkboxes, then click the “Check for Payment” option on the grey Action Bar.

Upon successful retrieval of Payment details, the page will be updated and will display payment(s) received. The ‘Pay. Terms’ column (see screenshot below) will be set to Paid.

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