90 Day Stock Movement Report

90 Day Stock Movement Report


The following outlines the process to obtain a report on stock that has had no movement in the past 90 days.


From the 'Inventory' header, select 'Groups" from dropdown:



First under the 'Create Group' header, create a new group called 'Movement Check', make sure you tick the active box to activate your group.

Next we want to add items to this group.

Refresh this screen fully by going back to the top menu Inventory>Groups 

Once you've refreshed the screen your new group should appear in the dropdown list of groups at the bottom.

Select ‘all’ transaction types.

Select transactions older than ‘90 days’.

Add items to group ‘Movement Check’.

Check box to ‘Remove items from Existing Group’.

Click ‘Go’


The group will update with items that fit the specified selection:

You will receive a success message when items are added.


Now from the ‘Inventory’ list, select ‘Items’ from the dropdown:




Select the show items from the ‘Group’ called ‘Movement Check’ only:


This will list all stock that had had no transactions logged against them for the last 90 days. Click the ‘Export PDF’ button to export a pdf file:




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